O Tarot: A sensual reading with Jade T. Perry

Welcome to O Tarot, a monthly sensual Tarot reading! I’m Jade T. Perry, an artist and a mystic, an educator and a Tarot reader. I will be looking at the cards to show us the stories we are living in around our sexual exploration, and how we can go deeper and make our lives more delicious, more juicy, more sensual, more sexual, more pleasurable.
We are looking at the cards to see how we can lead a more pleasure-filled life.

First, I’m going to draw some cards for the group.
We have the 10 of Wands in Reverse. Wands represent fire energy. The number 10 represents beginnings and endings—things that are closing and things that are opening for you.
This is a sign that you may be overwhelmed with responsibilities or burnt out. We need to make more space in our schedule for sexual play. Are you so busy that your body doesn’t have time to flow? What rituals help you move from production to passion?

Now we have the 9 of Swords. The element is air. It is how we think, strategize, communicate. There’s a lot that’s been on our minds. The number 9 represents mastery and self-awareness. Knowing yourself, knowing your beliefs, your values.
This card says you’ve been overthinking! The obstacle to your erotic presence might be your putting too much pressure on yourself. To fantasize, we might need a new type of scene.
Bring yourself back into the breath. Do you feel safe in this moment to play? What do you need to feel psychologically safe to play?
Now it’s time to choose a group. Choose a number—1, 2, or 3—and I’ll draw a card and assign you a toy.

The Coins are in the element of earth. Your key to the erotic fulfillment you’re looking for this month is going to be through your senses. Take ownership over the things that concern you. Put emphasis on things you can feel. What are the sensual delights that you need to fall into your pleasure? Think of food play, cosplay, et cetera. Advocate for your embodied needs.
Your toy recommendation: PATCHY PAUL

Wands are all about the fire. It’s like a good kiss. Ace is all about the first. So, this card’s all about the first spark of the fire. We’re in a moment globally where we have to really take care of how our erotic exchanges look. You might be feeling awkward trying to get back into the groove.
This is the beginning of something new. Think of the Black proverb: Closed mouths don’t get fed. As a sensualist, I wanna say, closed mouths don’t get filled! So you have to say something. I know that it’s hard. Bring playfulness to it. Don’t take it too seriously.
Your toy recommendation: VOLTA

The Tower is a major arcana card. They bring in big sweeping reflections. They ask us how we do what we do.
It’s about the shake-up. The new thing. Decide to enjoy the erotic outside of Western ideas, like purity culture, that lock down our erotic selves, especially for people with marginalized genders (women and femmes). When you see this Tower in Reverse, that’s a good thing.
Make things different! You’re not here to just take whatever you can get. Sensual and sexual creativity are high.
Your toy recommendation: MISS BI

Now it’s time to choose a toy. Pick the one that speaks to you and I’ll draw a card.

If you chose BE·ONE, you have the Prince of Cups
The Prince of Cups is a court card, which represents aspects of our personality and helps to call them up. Sometimes court cards can represent other people, as well.
Cups represents feelings, emotions, and our dreamy and romantic side. This month, explore self-love. You might read or listen to erotica. Your creativity and sensuality will feed each other. Enjoy. Whether it’s sexting, flirting, or talking online, it all doesn’t have to be so serious.
Your big questions: What is that part of you that is the lover? (Element: Water)
Your homework: Write a short erotica piece or draw an erotica picture. Play around with texture or pressure. Enjoy this month and see how much of a lover you can be. Learn more about yourself and others through romancing and enjoying yourself. Take some time to fantasize and relax into your fantasies.

If you chose MISS BI, you have the 3 of Wands in reverse
When you have a reversal, it means there’s an area you need to come back to in order to find yourself better. Wands represent passion, energy, heat, and sparks. The 3 of Wands in Reverse might signify that we’ve lost our vision. Where is that passion I once felt so strongly?
We might be questioning our passions. Am I really into that? We’re thinking about our direction. We may be trying to stoke those flames again. James Baldwin says that sensuality is about our capacity of fully feeling. Be open to new possibilities this month. Look for what allows you to feel, no matter how small.
Your big questions: What allows me to feel? (Element: Fire)
Your homework: Get down to the details. You might mindfully apply lotion or practice self-touch. Dance and do some sensual movement. Learn to stoke the flames.

If you chose BOOTIE, you have the Prince of Wands
This is a card of erotic courage. Courage to try new things. This is also a card of sexual spontaneity. Your message for the month is to be safely spontaneous. Don’t be afraid to turn on your inner charmer.
Change up your scenes. Your creativity can shine in your erotic scenes or moments you’re creating with yourself or others.
Your big questions: What chances do you want to take? (Element: Fire)
Your homework: Ask for consent to slide into someone’s DMs, to flirt and charm. Change up your scenery and don’t do it the same way every time.
Join us on Instagram for Jade's monthly O Tarot readings and other exclusive content!
Welcome to O Tarot, a monthly sensual Tarot reading! I’m Jade T. Perry, an artist and a mystic, an educator and a Tarot reader. I will be looking at the cards to show us the stories we are living in around our sexual exploration, and how we can go deeper and make our lives more delicious, more juicy, more sensual, more sexual, more pleasurable.
We are looking at the cards to see how we can lead a more pleasure-filled life.
We have so many demands on our time and on our person, and this reading is a moment to take some time for you.
Choose a toy—don’t overthink it—and you’ll get a card assigned to you.

If you chose SHAREVIBE, you have the 2 of Cups
Cups are the suit of heart connections, emotions, spirituality, and sensuality. 2 = balance and harmony. This card is signaling that it’s time to get in erotic community with other people. Ask yourself: How can you do this safely?
Look for folx that are talking about this work and meet the people that get you. You could also go to some munches—gatherings for folx interested in kink. Or go to a session on role play or dominance.
Your big questions: How do we connect with ourselves and others? (Element: Water)
Something extra: Listen to "Untitled (How Does It Feel)" by D'Angelo.

If you chose LIMBA FLEX, you have the Prince of Swords
Swords are suits of the mind and mouth, helping us understand our headspace. Speak up for the erotic experience you want to have: Share boundaries, your hard and soft limits, your fantasies. Negotiate what the scene will be between you and your parter(s). Allow your moans and vocal expressions of your pleasure to come out unapologetically.
Your big questions: What do you need to do for your mental space before, during, and after sex? (Element: Air)
Something extra: A mindfulness practice. Inhale “I am experiencing orgasmic bliss.” Exhale “I am sharing/giving orgasmic bliss.”

If you chose AMOR, you have the 4 of Coins
Coins are the suit of the material world: things we can see, touch, taste, smell, and hear. 4 = structures and containers. Processes that work for us. Ritual.
Now is a good time to use your resources (money, time, and talent) wisely and create a way to navigate the world that feels good for you.
Explore pleasurable morning and night routines. (Ex. allowing time to lotion/oil your skin and touching your body like it’s not an inconvenience to you.)
This card is about reciprocity. If you want a piece of this person, it’s going to cost you. Insist on knowing that you are valuable beyond money. Your value translates to the bedroom. Value your body!
Your big questions: How does your sensuality show up within your everyday rituals? (Element: Earth)
Something extra: Give yourself a massage by wiggling your fingers against the back of your head, right where your head meets your neck. (Element: Earth)
Join us on Instagram for Jade's monthly O Tarot readings and other exclusive content!
Welcome to O Tarot, a monthly sensual Tarot reading! I’m Jade T. Perry, an artist and a mystic, an educator and a Tarot reader. I will be looking at the cards to show us the stories we are living in around our sexual exploration, and how we can go deeper and make our lives more delicious, more juicy, more sensual, more sexual, more pleasurable.

We are looking at the cards to see how we can lead a more pleasure-filled life.
We'll begin our reading today with the 7 of Coins: boredom, we’ve been inside for a while, our heauxnanigans are paused. Entering the reading with an air of ehh. “All dressed up and nowhere to go.” Waiting for what we planted to bloom. All is not lost. 7 = self-determination, the right/position to take your circumstances into your own hands (not toxic independence).
Our big questions: How do we take our erotic journey into our own hands? How can we make it possible? What are the ingredients we need to create an erotic ritual, or a life of the erotic? (Element: Earth)
Now, clear out your mind for the moment and choose one of the three following toys. The toy that you choose will let us know your card for the reading.

Lavish, relaxation, flow. Cups represents the space where we connect vision and dream. Brat play and luxuriating. Advocating for what we want, without apology. The princess has no problem being a princess. If you’re constantly giving sexually, experiment with what it might feel like to receive. The princess of cups helps us become shameless about what we want and how we feel. Food play.
Your big questions: Am I opening myself up to receive? How does food get you in a mood? (Element: Water)

Really take your pleasure into your own hands, see what you like. You don’t have to wait any longer for your sensual journey to begin. Experience how good it feels to touch yourself, experience what it feels like to turn yourself on, what toys feel good for you, what you like et cetera. Solo play. Imagine what kind of sexual and sensual experiences we want to have, then decide how you can do it safely from where you are. Open yourself up to experience new sensation. Experience what it feels like to slow down. (Element: Ether)
Your big questions: How do you like it? What type of experiences do you want to have? How can you do that safely in your current position?

If you chose MANTA, you have two cards: the 8 of Swords and the 4 of Strength
For the 8 of Swords we are looking at bondage play, restraint, necessary or welcomed restriction. Getting into a different headspace, 8 = action. Taking action that feels good. Mindfulness practice before solo/partner play could be helpful for getting into the necessary headspace.
Your big questions: How do we bring our mind to meet our body? What do you need to do to get into your mental space for sexuality? What allows us to flow into the wellspring that is the erotic? (Element: Air)
When we are looking at the Strength card we are looking at compassionate fortitude. Being compassionate to wherever you are in your sexual journey. Wherever you are, you are not alone. Identify the things that might get in the way of you enjoying your own sexual and sensual energy and apply compassionate fortitude to those things.
Your big questions: How can I be more patient with myself in my sexual and sensual journey? What are the strengths I have in the bedroom in partnered or solo play? Am I with partners that bring out those strengths? (Element: Ether)
Join us on Instagram for Jade's monthly O Tarot readings and other exclusive content!
First thing we’re going to do is connect to our breath. Take a deep breath in, enjoy the climax of your own breathing, and sigh it out. Now, clear out your mind for the moment and choose one of the three following toys. The toy that you choose will let us know your card for the reading.

Now it's time to receive your reading. If more than one reading speaks to you, that’s okay!
If you chose SUNDAZE, you have the Queen of Cups
The Queen of Cups is the card of intuitive knowledge, this is the card of self-awareness. The Queens in the Tarot represent wisdom and experience, understanding yourself. The Cups are the element of water, of emotion. You are trying to heal the brain-soul-body split. You’re realizing that these things are not separate: when one feels good it’s possible for the others to feel good.
There’s also a regality here. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve been shopping for lingerie, toys, and other goodies that make you feel luscious and exciting. Pleasure can come from yourself, from others, from food or drink, from bathing. Surround yourself with the little luxuries, bring pleasure into your life. You are learning more about your pleasure self, acknowledging your own worthiness, and finding liberation through play.
Stand in your own personal agency, in your own ferocity and fierceness. This card is about saying what you want. If you believe that you’re worthy of pleasure, then you can communicate what’s pleasurable to other people.
Your big questions: How do I make time for emotional intelligence and self-pleasure? Do I believe that I’m worthy of pleasure? What would you do if you did believe you were worthy of pleasure?
If you chose BE·ONE, you have the Three of Cups
Three is the number of community, it’s the number of meeting and joining with others. This is a card of celebration amongst friends. Your element is water, this is the space of emotions and spirit. There is cause for joy! Joy is to be shared, foreplay is also to be shared.
The Three of Cups is about sharing, about playing, about exploring. Toys like the BE·ONE can be used alone or with others, and can help us explore our pleasure and connection. This may be the time to try a threesome if you can do so safely. In a pandemic, we can use sex toys to share our erotic energy over video platforms. BE·ONE makes every touch vibrate, so you can use it all over your body.
Your big questions: How do I enjoy my own erotic energy? How do I share my erotic energy with others? How can I expand my erotic range through play?
If you chose VOLTA, you have the Ace of Pentacles (in reverse!)
Ace of Pentacles was in reverse, which isn’t bad! This means that there’s a little place that needs attention and compassion from you. Pentacles are the element of earth, meaning it’s tied to our time, talent, and treasure. This is a pragmatic space. When this card is upright, this is the energy of starting a new journey or path, investing in yourself, and feeling grounded. So, when this card is in reverse you may be feeling like you’re stuck in a rut or finding It hard to get started. It might feel like you’re putting in a little extra effort to do those everyday things.
You’ve got to get back into your body and view your body as your ally. Experience your own erotic energy. Know that you have to start somewhere, so begin by budgeting in some time for your pleasure. Start with 5, 10, or 20 minutes of your time. This can be for walking, dancing, sensual movement or pleasurable touch.
Your big questions: How can I start a pleasure practice where I am with what I have? What do I need?
Our homework for this reading is to create a pleasure palace, a sacred space of pleasure that we build for ourselves. Overthinking and worrying is coming up as a theme, and we will use our pleasure palace to balance ourselves.
Create an erotic altar, a space for yourself to experience pleasure. It can be behind your shower curtain for 5 minutes at the start of the day, or on a tabletop, or in an Altoid box. Find things that bring you pleasure and put them in there. A quartz, a flower, a toy, an erotic intention written down. This is about tending to our own garden, and holding space for our own richness and beauty.